Merry CHRISTmas!
" Let no man despise thy youth. But be thou an example of the believers. in word, in conversation, in charity,in spirit, in faith, and purity"
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Uni is a Greek word meaning "One".
Verse is a Greek word meaning"Spoken sentence".
So the word "Universe" means"A Single Spoken Sentence".
So this means that even atheists believe that we live in a"Single Spoken Sentence".
Something to think about..
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Day by Day piano hymn
Be thankful
Be Thankful
Be thankful you don't already have everything.
If you did,what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don't know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times,
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you are tired and weary
Because it means you've made a difference.
It's easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they cane become your blessings.
>> not sure who wrote this, found this in a magazine
Thanksgiving is in 2 days. Thanksgiving is a time of food and family and most importantly, a time of being thankful. This year I'm thankful that for so many reasons. Many times, it's easier for me to look at all the bad in my life but this time of year really reminds me that while I do have a lot of stress because of everything, I also have so many blessings. You know what I'm trying to say? Just be thankful (: Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving and God bless ya'll!
Thanksgiving is in 2 days. Thanksgiving is a time of food and family and most importantly, a time of being thankful. This year I'm thankful that for so many reasons. Many times, it's easier for me to look at all the bad in my life but this time of year really reminds me that while I do have a lot of stress because of everything, I also have so many blessings. You know what I'm trying to say? Just be thankful (: Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving and God bless ya'll!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Dating Rules
I mentioned in my last post a few of my mom's dating rules and so I've decided to post the whole list (: Now this won't be word for word what our list of rules is because I'm doing it by memory not by copying the paper.
Dating Rules:
#1. No dating before age 18
The "dating age" will not change just because you meet your special someone before you reach 18. You do need to go dating until you are closer or at an age where you are ready to be married
#2. No touching
To avoid accidental touching, keep a minimum of 6 inches between you and your special someone.
#3. Always have a chaperone
Never go off alone with your special someone. Temptation is far too easy to give in to. That's why God gave you siblings- instant chaperones!
#4. No sex before marriage
And after that only sex with your wife/husband. (duh)
#5. Be honest
with your special someone, with your family and your special someone's family. If you are truly interested in someone, then you should never lie to them.
#6. Do not date an unbeliever
Dating Rules:
#1. No dating before age 18
The "dating age" will not change just because you meet your special someone before you reach 18. You do need to go dating until you are closer or at an age where you are ready to be married
#2. No touching
To avoid accidental touching, keep a minimum of 6 inches between you and your special someone.
#3. Always have a chaperone
Never go off alone with your special someone. Temptation is far too easy to give in to. That's why God gave you siblings- instant chaperones!
#4. No sex before marriage
And after that only sex with your wife/husband. (duh)
#5. Be honest
with your special someone, with your family and your special someone's family. If you are truly interested in someone, then you should never lie to them.
#6. Do not date an unbeliever
"Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion has light with darkness? " 1 Corinthians 6:14 KJV. Also, find out what their beliefs are and if they vary with your own.
#7.Listen to your family
Your family can see any flaws in your special someone that there may be. Whereas you more than likely won't notice them because you are blinded by love/infatuation
#8. Forge a friendship with your special someone
Friendships are a wonderful base for a relationship and then,even if your relationship does not go far, at least you will now have a good friend
Do your parents have rules regarding dating set up for you? If so, maybe do a blog post about them. I'm sure others would love to hear about them. I know I would!
God bless!
Monday, October 15, 2012
No K-i-s-s-i-n-g
"No kissing, you two" was heard today at the campfire. As we walked around looking for the 2 missing teens we called"no kissing". Added in was" no kissing, you know you aren't allowed to kiss before marriage". One boy looks at me" they can kiss before marriage, that's allowed, it's just the other stuff that's not allowed."
Should kissing be allowed before marriage? I don't think so. Kissing can lead to impure thoughts and actions. As a Christian young person, you should be saving yourself for marriage - entirely...kissing and all.
My mom has rules about us dating.
#1. No dating till your ready for marriage- it's not needed to go falling in love when you aren't ready to be a husband/wife.
#2. No kissing+hugging-it can lead to temptation and ruin your purity-intentional or otherwise
#3. No going out together alone- you must have another couple with you- temptation is far to easy when you're alone.
Do your parents have rules about you dating? They should. If they don't, ask them to set up some guidelines. Rules about dating and purity are a must have for every young person.
Should kissing be allowed before marriage? I don't think so. Kissing can lead to impure thoughts and actions. As a Christian young person, you should be saving yourself for marriage - entirely...kissing and all.
My mom has rules about us dating.
#1. No dating till your ready for marriage- it's not needed to go falling in love when you aren't ready to be a husband/wife.
#2. No kissing+hugging-it can lead to temptation and ruin your purity-intentional or otherwise
#3. No going out together alone- you must have another couple with you- temptation is far to easy when you're alone.
Do your parents have rules about you dating? They should. If they don't, ask them to set up some guidelines. Rules about dating and purity are a must have for every young person.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The Old Rugged Cross
This song has been in my head all day (:
"On a hill far away,
stood an old rugged cross.
the emblem of suffering and shame
And I love that old cross
where the dearest and best
for a world of lost sinners was slain!
So I'll cherish
that old rugged cross
'till my trophies at last I lay down
I will cling to the old rugged cross
and exchange it someday for a crown
Oh, that old rugged cross
so despised by the world
Has a wondrous attraction for me.
For the dear Lamb of God
left His glory above
to bear it to dark Calvary
that old rugged cross
'till my trophies at last I lay down
I will cling to the old rugged cross
and exchange it someday for a crown
In the old rugged cross,
stained with blood so divine
A wondrous beauty I see
For 'twas on that old cross
Jesus suffered and died to pardon and sanctify me!
So I'll cherish
that old rugged cross
'till my trophies at last I lay down
I will cling to the old rugged cross
and exchange it someday for a crown
To the old rugged cross
I will ever be true,
Its shame and reproach gladly bear
Then He'll call me someday to my home far away
Where His glory forever I'll share
So I'll cherish
that old rugged cross
'till my trophies at last I lay down
I will cling to the old rugged cross
and exchange it someday for a crown"

What a wonderful old hymn! Yesterday, we were sitting at the table playing a game and Daniel starts singing this hymn Then our close friend Payshence starts singing it as well and then I start singing . It's so much fun singing hymns with those two.
that old rugged cross
'till my trophies at last I lay down
I will cling to the old rugged cross
and exchange it someday for a crown"

What a wonderful old hymn! Yesterday, we were sitting at the table playing a game and Daniel starts singing this hymn Then our close friend Payshence starts singing it as well and then I start singing . It's so much fun singing hymns with those two.
Monday, October 1, 2012
It's October already! My goodness, where has the year flown? Only 2 months till Christmas! It's fall here in Nebraska,the leaves are changing and falling of the trees and instead of 100+ degree weather,we're having cool temps of 70+ degrees.
So sorry for the long time since I last updated.Life has just been getting the way.
Anyways...since the last time I posted...I have started taking and teaching piano lessons, We have started school, we have been back in our town for more that a week at a time(hallelujah!), I had a surprise piano playing oppurtunity...3 times!,I've made a new friend,I've almost lost my best friend, Abigail has been in the Miss Amazing pageant(I'll post a pic of her farther down,ok), and my dad came to visit us. Oh and yeah..I turned 15!!
A little about R School Homeschool(as we kids named it some years back). Daniel and I are in 10th grade. We think we are geniuses and since we think that,we are doing our best to do 10th & 11th grade this year. If it works, that means I will graduate high school a few months before I turn 17 and Daniel will graduate a few months before he turns 18. Nathan is in 7th grade this year(15 months younger than me and 3 grades behind lol). Samuel is in 4th, and Abigail and Lydia are in 2nd. We are doing a little bit of "school" with Beka as well. My school subjects this year are- Science: Biology-The Study of Life, Literature: A Study Through the Pilgrim's Progress, History: Baptist History(Daniel's doing World History), Bible: Bible Doctrines- Dealing with Subjects such as The Trinity, How Do We know God Inspired the Bible and More,Math: Alegebra, English: Grammar and Composition 4 and Step by step French.
Anyway so here's some pictures...Enjoy!
Sam and Abigail at the 2012 Miss Amazing Pageant.
The Red Hat horse that Daniel made for my grandma's birthday. He can make these to sell...
So sorry for the long time since I last updated.Life has just been getting the way.
Anyways...since the last time I posted...I have started taking and teaching piano lessons, We have started school, we have been back in our town for more that a week at a time(hallelujah!), I had a surprise piano playing oppurtunity...3 times!,I've made a new friend,I've almost lost my best friend, Abigail has been in the Miss Amazing pageant(I'll post a pic of her farther down,ok), and my dad came to visit us. Oh and yeah..I turned 15!!
A little about R School Homeschool(as we kids named it some years back). Daniel and I are in 10th grade. We think we are geniuses and since we think that,we are doing our best to do 10th & 11th grade this year. If it works, that means I will graduate high school a few months before I turn 17 and Daniel will graduate a few months before he turns 18. Nathan is in 7th grade this year(15 months younger than me and 3 grades behind lol). Samuel is in 4th, and Abigail and Lydia are in 2nd. We are doing a little bit of "school" with Beka as well. My school subjects this year are- Science: Biology-The Study of Life, Literature: A Study Through the Pilgrim's Progress, History: Baptist History(Daniel's doing World History), Bible: Bible Doctrines- Dealing with Subjects such as The Trinity, How Do We know God Inspired the Bible and More,Math: Alegebra, English: Grammar and Composition 4 and Step by step French.
Anyway so here's some pictures...Enjoy!

Sunday, September 2, 2012
How to Read Through the Book of Psalms in One Month
Something interesting I learned a few days ago(:
You can read completely through the book of Psalms in one month by following this simple schedule
September 1st- Psalms 1, 31,61,91 and 121
Do you see what I did?
add the number "30" to whatever day it is and continue on from there.
so since today is the 2nd, you would read Psalms 2,32,62,92,and 122.
Each month you will read through Psalms and in a year you will have read through the book of Psalms 12 times!
Try doing that this month.
God bless!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Prayer Needed
Yesterday we found out that our pastor has the West Nile Virus.
He's been ill for a week and found out sometime in the past few days that he has West Nile.
He will be going in today for more tests.
This is what was posted on Facebook last week(August 15th)
"Pastor David was feeling poorly last night when he came home from work. During the night he started running a fever and had body aches and chills. Summer flu? Please pray for his recovery and that whatever this is will not spread through our church and community. He will not be out on visitation tonight."
Please pray for Pastor Michael David& Prayer Baptist Church.
I'll try to update ya'll in a few days.
Thanks for the prayers (;
Good bye and God Bless!
Monday, August 20, 2012
~my family~

my family-2008-l to r- me, Daniel,Nathan, Lydia,Abigail,Beka and Sam
I am going to post an overload of pictures of some of my favorite people.Most are old pictures but who cares Lol.
![]() Lydia Ann-Christmas 2008-age 3 ![]() l to r- Lydia(3), Nathan(9),Samuel(6), me(10),Abigail(7),Daniel(11) and Beka(1) - Devil's Tower. August 2008 ![]() upside down Rebekah Eileen"Beka"- 2009 ![]() self-pic- Samuel Louis-2009 ![]() Lydia's lettuce, she grew it from seed-summer 2009 ![]() Abigail Ruth- 2009 ![]() Daniel helping Samuel hold his 6 pound catfish- caught August 19th 2010 Hope you liked "meeting" my family. I would put more up but the kitchen calls...I must run and go make orange chocolate muffins for breakfast on the morrow. Good-bye, my friends and God Bless! |
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Purity-the state or degree of being pure.Pure?What do you mean by that? Pure in what? How you dress?How you act?
Purity is a virtue,something to treasure and guard.Purity in your life starts with a choice.Yes or no? Should you keep yourself pure and strive to live a God-honoring life?Or should you just "go with the flow",who cares about what God wants?
As I was researching purity for this essay,it soon became clear that there mixed opinions on this subject.The two opinions that were the most obvious were(basically)1.Purity is awesome and a wonderful thing to try to live by. and 2.Purity is overrated and useless.
Is purity truly overrated? Is the idea of living a life that is pure really so "old-fashioned" ? Is purity really so un-important in this day and time that we can just blow it off as worthless? That's what it seems like! Look around. Purity is a far off concept to this world.Whether it's godly purity,sexual purity or purity in the way we dress.It's just not done anymore.
"It's to hard","It's not fun"," None of my friends do it".Purity is not always easy,convenient or even fun but it is ALWAYS worth it.Maybe it's not "cool" to some(like maybe your friends) but it's absolutely worth it,to live your life pure before God.
Don't try to find out how far you can go,but rather determine how you can best honor God with your life,your mind and your body.
Living your life pure,as God wants you to be,you have the ability to be a "light."Let your light so shine before men,that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven"(Matthew 5:16).
Remember- Living a life that is pure starts with a choice. Yes or no? Every day.
This was an essay I wrote a few months ago for my ninth grade English class.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Q&A linkup
1. What is your favorite Bible story? the story of Esther (:
2. What colors is your room? white. just boring old white :/
3. What is your favorite meal? (lunch, breakfast, dinner?) depends on what we're having...normally dinner
4. What is/was your favorite subject in school? Bible, Literature and History
5. Are you a shy or outgoing person? shy mostly. I'm outgoing with my closest friends
6. Are you a more reserved or expressive person? reserved
7. How many brothers and sisters would you like to have? well I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters but I would have loved to have like 10 sisters lol
(got this from her blog)
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
My brother Nathan told me this afternoon that " I am kinda pretty girl but I would be an ugly guy". Ummm....was that supposed to be a compliment? lol
Don't you just love it when someone "compliments" you but it could also be an insult? My siblings are very good at doing things like that. Like that key example above.....haha
I just love my family
-God bless you-
~ Emilie (:
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Guest Posters Needed!
I have been so busy that I've been neglecting my blog. Would anyone like to guest post? Email me at if ya want too (:
~ Emilie
~ Emilie
Sunday, July 29, 2012
All the way to Mongolia!
On Wednesday morning around 6 A.M., my best friend's oldest brother Joshua is going to be getting on a plane to head off to Mongolia. Joshua will be there for 2 months helping out a missionary&family that our church supports and our pastor is friends with. It'll be different for the kiddos without him there since he normally plays with the kids.
Would you ever go to a whole 'nother country? I would/will. Not to Mongolia but to Africa is my goal.
Please keep Joshua in your prayers. In the village that the missionary is in,there has been quite a bit of unrest. Just the thing a mother wants to hear before she sends her son off to a third world country says Joshua's mom! Anyway he may run into problems down there and pray that he can be a blessing to the people and to the missionary.
Would you ever go to a whole 'nother country? I would/will. Not to Mongolia but to Africa is my goal.
Please keep Joshua in your prayers. In the village that the missionary is in,there has been quite a bit of unrest. Just the thing a mother wants to hear before she sends her son off to a third world country says Joshua's mom! Anyway he may run into problems down there and pray that he can be a blessing to the people and to the missionary.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Favorite verses
Micah 6:8
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
1 Timothy 4:12
Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
Romans 5:8
But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Thank You, Lord
" Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul
Thank you, Lord, for making me whole
Thank you, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so rich and free"
Don't you just love this song? It's my favorite chorus-type song( not quite sure of the correct wording there).
This song is actually only part of a hymn written by Seth and Bessie Sykes in 1940.. The Sykes were traveling evangelists, well known in the UK and the USA.Mr. Sykes (1892-1950) began his career as a conductor and motorman for Glasgow Corporation Tramways. He also served as Secretary for the Tramway Christian Association where he was allowed to hand out Christian literature and Bibles. In 1929 Sykes left his job and along with his wife became a full-time traveling evangelist. The Sykes were somewhat like today’s media Christian innovators in that they used lantern slides and rousing songs played by Bessie on their barrel organ to gain the full interest of their crowds. Seth’s sermons led countless people to Christ and this hymn was most assuredly sung as a regular part of their services.raveling evangelists, well known in the UK and the USA. Their home base was Glasgow, Scotland.
Hope you learned something from this. (:
God Bless
Monday, July 23, 2012
Are you one of the 2 or one of the 10?
Last week, 2 of my brothers and I had the opportunity to go to a Christian camp. The man of God who preached all 7 sermons was Pastor Randy Dignan. best messages I have heard in forever. Well anyway one of the messages he reached was titled" Are you one of the 2 or one of the 10?" . He told about the 12 spies in Israel. The 10 who were scared and influenced the people to the wrong and the 2 who believed in God's promises. Pastor Dignan challenged us teens, in our daily life, are we more like the 10? just following the world,not being a good influence. or are we like the 2? believing God, showing a difference in our lives, standing up for Christ.
I know I want to be one of the 2. How about you? Will you be willing to stand up for Christ? What if all your friends laughed at you, would you still be a good witness for God? One of my favorite quotes is this - " I want to be the type of person, that when I wake up in the morning, the Devil goes oh no, shes awake ."
God Bless(:
I know I want to be one of the 2. How about you? Will you be willing to stand up for Christ? What if all your friends laughed at you, would you still be a good witness for God? One of my favorite quotes is this - " I want to be the type of person, that when I wake up in the morning, the Devil goes oh no, shes awake ."
God Bless(:
Sunday, July 22, 2012
New blogger here(:
I'm going to do this blog to share with the world about my Saviour.
First off, a bit about me-
1. My name's Emilie
2. I'm 14
3. I've been a Christian since I was 10(I'll give my testimony in another post)
4. I am the full time pianist at my church
5. I go to an independent Baptist church
6. I use only the KJV Bible. all verses used will be from that Bible unless I am comparing the differences between to translations.
Please bear with me while I get the hang of this thing and keep checking back for more posts ♪
First off, a bit about me-
1. My name's Emilie
2. I'm 14
3. I've been a Christian since I was 10(I'll give my testimony in another post)
4. I am the full time pianist at my church
5. I go to an independent Baptist church
6. I use only the KJV Bible. all verses used will be from that Bible unless I am comparing the differences between to translations.
Please bear with me while I get the hang of this thing and keep checking back for more posts ♪
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