{About me}

I am a -God-loving, shy, modest, piano-playing,violin-playing,mandolin-playing, commited to purity, big&little sister , baking, reading,cooking,loving 14 year old girl.

 I am horribly shy and I'm pretty sure it will end up showing in my posts. I've never been wonderful with words but God can use anybody(:

 I'm modest. I have never worn pants, only skirts,culottes and dresses. I've never worn a tank top either, well except for underneath other shirts. My swimsuit is a 3 piece  suit actually. A regular one piece swim suit worn under a modest swimdress and leggings. All of my skirts/dresses go past my knees and I have a few ankle length skirts.

 I play the piano,violin and mandolin. I play by note but I wish I could play by ear.

 I'm commited to purity. More on that subject later.

 Big sister and little sister, yup that's me. I have 5 younger siblings and one older. My parents had 7 kids in 10 years of marriage. Soon after baby #7 was born, my dad packed his bags and left, having decided that oh he didn't love my mama anymore and that he didn't want kids.

 During the summer, I bake and sell at the Farmer's Market in the town where my grandma lives. I've made my own recipe for some awesome cookies(hmm maybe I'll post the recipe someday...).

 Each week I check out at least 7 books from the library and they are always done by the time we go to the library again. I am an avid bookworm and proud of it(:

 My appearance is average. Nothing to make you take a closer look, well except for my clothing. I'm 5ft5. My hair is about to the middle of my back and blonde. I have hazel eyes, glasses and braces.

-Emilie Kay

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